Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Anniversary

We have now been married 11 years. I remember the morning that I met Tim. I was working at Sacred Heart Hospital. His aunt called him and said, "there is this girl I want you to meet." It was 2am. He was bowling. He came right over. We met for breakfast the next morning. I gave him the "Interview" We had a 2 1/2 hour talk about everything. ~HE PASSED!~ Tim is great, he works hard and he tries hard to make everyone happy. I am thankful for him. I love Tim.


I took the boys to a snorkeling activity offered at Battery Worth on Fort Pickens. We met the Rangers there and were given instructions and then allowed to snorkel and net the wildlife. The boys caught a collection of hermit crabs. Some of the other varieties of wildlife that was discovered by others today were shrimp, blue crab, minnows, ghost crabs, cone jellyfish, etc. Afterwards we had lunch @ Langdon Beach and then swam in the waves. The water was beautiful and we all had so much fun. It was a hot day. We think we will do it again.~

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Swimming in the Pool~ Finally!

They say a photo speaks a thousand words, well... I don't know about that but, let me tell you the story. We tried to go to Sister Fairbanks' pool a couple of times this week and were rained out. When we got there the pool was crystal clear and everyone raced to the pool. Then we saw them, oh my... there are millipedes, dead millipedes in the pool. They are on the bottom. Jeffy, didn't care; he went straight for the water. Brandon, ever handy is just going to scoop them out. He isn't going to let some stinking millipedes ruin his swimming. And poor Jessa was late to the party and has no goggles.
So, after the pool was scooped a couple of times and Brandon decided that it was NO use, we all just swam for fun. The boys had fun diving and jumping off the diving board. Brandon wooed us with his back dive and even tried a back flip, he did good. Jeffy tried a back dive. He is braver than me that is for sure. They splashed and had Kung-Fu splash fights. It was an all around fun afternoon.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Trying To Keep Cool!

Brandon and Mom went to Munson, Today, to try to keep cool. With temperatures topping 100 degrees it is not easy to keep cool outside. Brandon really hates swimming in the lake due to the lilypads but he did a great job diving. We had a "Cool" time.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our Wednesday Activity

Okay, So we had on our itinerary for Wednesday to go to the Butterfly House and then go to the Splash pad in Navarre. Well, it seems that the Butterfly house is not open on Wednesdays, it is only open Thursday thru Saturday. Bummer. And the Splash Pad ~ well. Jack would have liked it, maybe. Everyone else- not so much. So Jenna and I decided that we would take the kiddos across the bridge to the beach. The water was YUCKY. So much algae and seaweed. Kate said is right. She said it was like swimming in orange juice with alot of pulp. Yuck! We only stayed a little while. We had lunch under the gazebo near the parking lot, trying to avoid grit in the sandwiches. Photos included to show cuteness. It was so hot.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kung-Fu and Art

On Tuesday, we went to see Kung-Fu Panda at the Ridge Cinema. It was a Free movie. Then we when to the Dragonfly Gallery. It is a local Art gallery in Milton. The children were very intrigued with the different and interesting art that was displayed there. Kate even spoke to them about displaying her photographs there. However, due to the nature of this particular gallery she will have to find another venue for her art.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Big Kahuna - Mediacom Company Party

Tim's company-Mediacom had their Annual picnic at Big Kahuna again this year. We pasted our smiles on and went. ~See, the pictures are evidence~ No, it was fun, no kidding. We didn't stay late, due to Stake conference. We "slided" on the slides that we wanted and floated around the lazy river a gabillion times. We were thoroughly Big Kahuna-ed.